Community Health Care Management Initiative
Panchayat and rural development Department , Government of West Bengal have launched Community Health Care management Initiative (CHCMI) to user in a convergence of service .The focus of this novel intervention is the process of promoting community involvement in health care management through awareness generation exercise for PRI members. At present, all Block sensitization, 250 G.P. sensitization have been completed on CHCMI.. At present, 2834 Village Health Sanitation and Nutrition Committees (VHSNC) have been formed in Gram Samsads. Efforts from all levels are on for convergence in VHSNC, monthly meeting of VHSNC in Gram Samsad level on Public Health, meeting in Sub-centre and 4th Saturday meeting (CHCMI) in G.P. level. A convergence between Mass people, ICDS Deptt , Helath deptt and Gram Panchayat have been achieved. As a result percentage of Immunization of child and pregnant woman, Safe maternity, family planning awareness on removal of low-aged marriage, resistance to woman trafficking, awareness, hygiene maintenance, cleanliness in families and decrease of maternal death, infant death have been achieved. All the VHSNCs are engaged in monthly monitoring work on preventive, promotive and over all awareness building initiative with close contact with all the families, especially the back-ward families of remote areas. Out of 250 nos Gram Panchayat, 133 nos. Gram panchayat get health facility by the Medical officers under Zilla Parishad 18 nos of Ayurvedic Medical Officers & 115 nos. Homoepathic Medical Officer working Gram panchayat level homeo/Ayurvedic charitable dispensary. |
Notice & Orders of CHCMI
Community Health Care management Initiate (CHCMI)
Health care is a combination of the overall efforts to maintain good health , take measures to prevent illness and treatment of diseases which is implemented by Community Health Care Management Initiative(CHCMI).The CHCMI is an initiative of Panchayat and Rural Development Department Government of West Bengal to focus the promotable and preventive health care management under the leadership of Panchayati Raj Institutions. Community’s health initiative with the involvement of community is the motto of the programme which seeks to link up community action at the grass root level.
District Public Health Cell (DPHC) under Dakshin Dinajpur Zilla Parishad functions as a Nodal point for coordinating the activities related to CHCMI and also performs the responsibilities to communicate information to State Public Health Cell, Panchayats and Rural Development Department. The Secretary Zilla Parishad is designated as the Nodal Officer. Public Health Programme Coordinator implements the programme as assigned by Nodal Officer time to time. Additional Executive officer of Zilla Parishad executes as Head of DPHC and he also performs the role of the Drawing and Disbursing Officer.
At Block/Panchyat Samitity leve,l Joint Block Development Officer is designated as Nodal officer. Similarly Secretary, Gram Panchayat is assigned as Nodal Person at the GP level .Gram Panchayat is the focal point of convergence with all other related line department.

4th Saturday meeting
The fourth Saturday meeting of each Gram Panchayat is scheduled in each Gram Panchayat in this District to implement the CHCMI programme intensively. The meeting is convened by Gram Panchayat Prodhan to monitor the status of programme in the area. The members present at the meeting discuss and analysis report on health, nutrition, sanitation e.t.c. and also review the reports in and out to adopt an effective plan for the development of public health indicators. Then the report is duly forwarded to the higher authority.

Liberation of Guppy fishes
In a view to promote Biological control of Vector Borne Diseases, use of larvivorous fishes in the stagnant water, ponds , drains and different water bodies has turned out to be the most effective and recommended tool to control such diseases. Dakshin Dinajpur has liberated Guppy fishes in difference water bodies in the financial year 2021-22 and regular monitoring and supervisions are being continued to keep them survive. In this financial year ,an initiative was taken to produce 61000 Guppy fishes, allocated for Balurghat Block , locally by the Self Help Group instead of collecting from other agencies .With the aim of implementing the above initiative the project was started in a pond under Boaldar Gram Panchyat in convergence with MGNREGA , Dakshin Dinajpur Zilla Parishad , Anandadhara and fisheries department and this project achieved desired success. |
GP level dispensaries
Sanitization during COVID-19
The members of Vector Control Team (VCT) under Vector Borne Disease Control Programme are being utilized for spraying larvicide through Knapsack in order to Control Covid-19 in rural areas. They have also sanitized Quarantine Centers when COVID situation was in alarming level in spite of their pre-assigned tasks. Post COVID, they have also sanitized all educational institutions along with ICDS centers in order to distribute Midday Meal commodities to the students.

Village Health Sanitation and Nutrition Committee (VHSNC)
Village health Sanitation and Nutrition Committee is constituted as per the guidelines of National Health Mission to lead interdepartmental convergence for several issues like sanitation, drinking water, Reproductive Child Health e.t.c. At present VHSNC acts as Citizen Tasks Force in the Vector Born Diseases Control Programme. The main function of the committee is to organize regular meetings, to plan the progress of public health issues and to execute all grass root levels service in proper way. At present 977 (100%) VHSNC committees are formed in this District and all committees have opened their respective Bank accounts.

Vector Born Diseases Control Programme
District Public Health Cell of Zilla Parishad acts a nodal point at district level for coordinating the activities of Vector Born Diseases Control in rural areas to eradicate Dengue, Malaria e.t.c under overall supervision of District Nodal Officer. The whole process is implemented at the Gram Panchayat Level by the Vector Born Diseases Control Programme workers. Gram Panchyat is treated as a focal point of this programme. A Supervisor at the Gram Panchayat is assigned to monitor the programme.
Composition of Vector Survey Team (VST)
3 to 4 teams of VBDCP workers, each team compromising of two members are engaged as VST members for surveillance activities at the Gram Panchayat level. The VST team members conduct House to House survey, check the container and examine if there are any mosquitoes larvae around the houses.

Composition of Vector Control Team (VCT)
Vector Control Team formed comprising maximum 6 volunteers and they are responsible for spraying larvicide, destruction of mosquito breeding points, removal of garbage, stagnant water and other environmental activities in a ward, the work of destroying the breeding ground of mosquitoes, based on the report received from the surveillance team.

GP level dispensaries 27 (Twenty seven) nos. GP level Homoeopathic Charitable dispensary & 1 (One) no. Ayurvedic Charitable dispensaries under state Budget Head Category are being run successfully at present under the leadership of District Public Health Cell, Dakshin Dinajpur Zilla Parishad. Compounder –Cum- Dressers (CCD) are providing support in 9 (nine) dispensaries under state budget head category. There are approximately 39786 Nos. of beneficiaries in average who are being benefitted in a year through these dispensaries in the district.
Apart from this, there are 16 (sixteen) nos GP level AYUSH dispensaries (Homoeopathy) under the aegis of National Health Mission in this district. In a year, approx 71748 nos. of beneficiaries are being treated through these dispensaries.